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  • Sku: 9101
  • Vendor: Ulster Ceramics Pottery Supplies

Hexagonal Press Mould

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Product description

Hexagonal Press Mould – 4.5″ / 9″

Press moulding is still one of the best ways to introduce beginners to pottery and is widely used in schools, colleges, daycare centres and workshops. Hump & Press moulding: Pieces produced by pressing plastic clay slabs onto or into absorbent moulds. The clay slab is coaxed into place against the moulds by the hands, sponges, leather or rubber kidneys. As the clay stiffens, it retains the form of the mould and can then be removed for fettling.
Plaster press molds are very useful when you are planning to make multiples of a particular form or an embellishment to a form.

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      Hexagonal Press Mould

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